第1回ECA(Evolve Conceptual Art Exhibition)展 御礼

第1回ECA(Evolve Conceptual Art Exhibition)展を無事に閉会しましたことを心より御礼申し上げます。






We sincerely thank you for the successful conclusion of the first ECA (Evolve Conceptual Art Exhibition) exhibition.

Through this exhibition, we were able to showcase the works of talented artists. Their creativity and originality allowed us to gain new perspectives and experience the power of art, which we were also able to share with all of you.

Our goal is to enrich society through art, and the first ECA exhibition has been a significant step towards achieving that goal. We are truly grateful to the many individuals who visited the exhibition, engaged with the artworks, and shared their emotions with us.

Furthermore, we would like to express our deep appreciation to all those who supported us in organizing this event. To our sponsors, partners, staff members, and the artists who graciously displayed their works, we owe a profound debt of gratitude. Without your support, it would not have been possible to realize this remarkable exhibition.

To all those who attended, we would like to convey our heartfelt gratitude.

Evolve Art & Design Japan promises to continue contributing to society through the power of art. We look forward to the opportunity of sharing another wonderful artistic experience with all of you in the future.

Thank you.