ECA Vol.1
Evolve Conceptual Art Exhibition Vol.1
We will hold an exhibition of conceptual art, which is also a universal element of contemporary art, as a platform for creating new value without being bound by one concept or past conventions.
Amidst the consumption activities of contemporary art, global crises, environmental issues, and unstable economies are causing chaos, challenging conventional wisdom. We believe that precisely because of these times, focusing on conceptual art that transcends style and form provides artists with opportunities for new creations.
Various conceptual art pieces will be displayed in this exhibition. Rather than providing viewers with direct emotions or physical beauty, these works aim to inspire thought and introspection.
We encourage you to explore beyond mere appreciation of artistic pieces through this exhibition, fostering a deeper understanding and empathy towards the challenges and values of contemporary society, while also delving into new possibilities for discovery and creation.
川沢 吾子、、南壽 イサム、 高橋 一矢、 木賀 陽子、 森田 直樹、 岡崎 菜央、 Ree 理咲子、 R.I.D (REO’s IMPLY DESIGN)、 青山 誠拓、 畦地 拓海、 德山 太郎、 tsumichara、 ウルファート・ジャンセン、 寺尾 悠、 高橋 喜人、 長島 勇太
Exhibition Title 第1回 ECA 展 Evolve Conceptual Art Exhibition Vol.1
Period and Hours 2023年5月12日-5月18日(6日間)※5月15日 休館日
Venue 東京都美術館 ギャラリーA(B3階)
Organizer 一般社団法人イヴォルブアート&デザインジャパン
Cooperation 株式会社ツルカメ
Admission fee 一般500 円(高校生以下・障害者手帳をお持ちの方と付添(2名)無料)